WordPress and JavaScript/jQuery Plugins

Open source software helped us a lot to make our professional life easier. We would also like to contribute a little to the community. We would be happy if either of our Wordpress, JavaScript or jQuery plugins could save you from writing from scratch to attend a functionality.

We also offer our services if you need customization in these code snippets.

WordPress Plugins

Posts Viewed Recently

This plugin contains a responsive widget to show posts or pages recently visited by a visitor. The plugin is capable to display custom post types. Additionally, you can also show this widget on the page or post using shortcode provided in widget options.


Categories in Hierarchical Order

Categories in Hierarchical Order plugin maintains the hierarchical order of categories list in the Category tab under your WordPress Admin Post Editor.


Author Recent Posts

A WordPress plugin to display recent posts by an author when a visitor visits a single post written by the author. The plugin contains a responsive widget that can be displayed on single post pages as a sidebar widget as well as within content using the shortcode.


Add Link to Copied Text

Add links to content copied from your website. When a visitor selects some text from your WordPress page, the plugin appends links pointing to your website in the selection. In contrast, you can protect your content from getting copied by users as well.
